I was about to put a three wire plug on this nice Bogen PH10 when I noticed there was 0.6VAC measured between the chassis and either of the neutral or the ground in the wall socket. After running for a half hour it went up to 1.6VAC and stayed there, neither the power or output transformer ever got more than a little warm. I have not connected the chassis to the ground on the wall socket yet. I have already removed the death cap and fixed it so the hot wire is switched and fused.
I checked the primary and I don't find any leak to ground. I have not started pulling the rest of the leads to look for leaks there.
How should I proceed with troubleshooting this?
Thanks, Jeff
I checked the primary and I don't find any leak to ground. I have not started pulling the rest of the leads to look for leaks there.
How should I proceed with troubleshooting this?
Thanks, Jeff