I'm in the process of bringing back from the dead a mid-1970s Twin Reverb that was "blackfaced" by.....a mechanic? a blacksmith? a plumber? Certainly not an electronics tech, if the quality of the soldering is any indication.
From the outside, the chassis looks fantastic, but that's because the metalwork's been cleaned up, and all the transformers have been refinished with black or silver paint. Under the hood is another story altogether.....
But yeah, the soldering. Some of it looks like this, with blue-green liquid on the joints. What the hell is this stuff? It looks like threadlocker though it doesn't smell like it. I'm redoing all the solder joints this clown had touched with their soldering gun but am wondering how aggressively I need to clean up the mystery liquid. I did strip down and wash the two smaller eyelet boards (rectifier/bias and filter cap) but don't really want to do this much with the main eyelet board unless I have to.
From the outside, the chassis looks fantastic, but that's because the metalwork's been cleaned up, and all the transformers have been refinished with black or silver paint. Under the hood is another story altogether.....
But yeah, the soldering. Some of it looks like this, with blue-green liquid on the joints. What the hell is this stuff? It looks like threadlocker though it doesn't smell like it. I'm redoing all the solder joints this clown had touched with their soldering gun but am wondering how aggressively I need to clean up the mystery liquid. I did strip down and wash the two smaller eyelet boards (rectifier/bias and filter cap) but don't really want to do this much with the main eyelet board unless I have to.