My head is in overload. It looks like this should be a simple fix, but it has me stumped. I've spent way too much time on a cheap's now a matter of pride and principle.
This little Ibanez amp is not behaving with the filament voltage.
. (Hopefully the power supply schematic was uploaded OK.)
Here are some clues. The voltage seem OK with the 2 tubes pulled out. When they are plugged in the filament voltage drops (greater drop with both tubes in place). This is supposed to look like a table, so please use your imagination :-)
---------------------Tubes out------Tubes In
D17 Cathode-------9.6 V-----------5.82V
6V6 pin 2----------9.57 V----------2.00 V
R54-R60 junction-9.58 V----------2.5 v
I have replaced Q8 and R60. I have installed my own 2 "test" tubes for 12AX7 and the 6V6 just in case the customers tubes are dragging down the filament.
(My apologies for not being able to post the complete schematic, but I gave my commitment to the Australian distributor that I wouldn't).
This little Ibanez amp is not behaving with the filament voltage.
Here are some clues. The voltage seem OK with the 2 tubes pulled out. When they are plugged in the filament voltage drops (greater drop with both tubes in place). This is supposed to look like a table, so please use your imagination :-)
---------------------Tubes out------Tubes In
D17 Cathode-------9.6 V-----------5.82V
6V6 pin 2----------9.57 V----------2.00 V
R54-R60 junction-9.58 V----------2.5 v
I have replaced Q8 and R60. I have installed my own 2 "test" tubes for 12AX7 and the 6V6 just in case the customers tubes are dragging down the filament.
(My apologies for not being able to post the complete schematic, but I gave my commitment to the Australian distributor that I wouldn't).