I have an Ampeg G-110 that sounds good for a few minutes, then starts popping (like a low E string hitting the metal on a pickup) while still sounding good, then after a while it sounds bad and fades out.
I believe this is related to the fact that the 24VDC part of the output section starts at 35V and slowly climbs to 48V, which is I think when it fades out. I can't figure out why.
R52 was discolored. I changed this and R53. Do these set the 24V supply (see next question)?
The base of Q9 is around 37V to start and also rises. Am I right to assume that this should be closer to 24V?
I replaced Q8, Q9, and Q6 with no change. I also replaced C34 and C35 with no change. Q7 measures fine with my meter, so does the diode. If I continue shot-gunning those would be next. Resistors all measure correctly.
Q5 has normal static voltage, the odd voltage starts on the other side of R48
Q6 and Q7 base and emitters have normal voltages. Both collectors have the 37V and rising problem.
Odd note: I can't measure anything in the signal path up to Q5 base without major squealing.
I could use some help if anyone want to take a crack. The part of the schematic I'm focused on is top right.
I believe this is related to the fact that the 24VDC part of the output section starts at 35V and slowly climbs to 48V, which is I think when it fades out. I can't figure out why.
R52 was discolored. I changed this and R53. Do these set the 24V supply (see next question)?
The base of Q9 is around 37V to start and also rises. Am I right to assume that this should be closer to 24V?
I replaced Q8, Q9, and Q6 with no change. I also replaced C34 and C35 with no change. Q7 measures fine with my meter, so does the diode. If I continue shot-gunning those would be next. Resistors all measure correctly.
Q5 has normal static voltage, the odd voltage starts on the other side of R48
Q6 and Q7 base and emitters have normal voltages. Both collectors have the 37V and rising problem.
Odd note: I can't measure anything in the signal path up to Q5 base without major squealing.
I could use some help if anyone want to take a crack. The part of the schematic I'm focused on is top right.