In the last Ampeg SVT-VR repair, where the power transformer had no mounting hardware to keep it in place, it only got as far as moving onto V3 6550 power tube location, breaking the center index pin on the tube base.
In the past, I've had little to no luck in getting the recovered indexing center pin to bond, without it just breaking off again at the glued joint. This one I tried some Loctite GO2 gel on both joint surfaces, let that sit for 30 sec, then put the center pin back into place and held it under finger pressure for 5 minutes before removing my fingers. Of course, the stupid pin moved, so I had to re-position it again, then carefully set it into a coffee cup to set up for a day.
It did remain on the tube base while I went thru and checked all the tubes in that most recent SVT-VR repair, and I was lucky to not have the pin break off during installation or removal.
What ave you guys found to be the best adhesive for repairing these when they break off?
In the past, I've had little to no luck in getting the recovered indexing center pin to bond, without it just breaking off again at the glued joint. This one I tried some Loctite GO2 gel on both joint surfaces, let that sit for 30 sec, then put the center pin back into place and held it under finger pressure for 5 minutes before removing my fingers. Of course, the stupid pin moved, so I had to re-position it again, then carefully set it into a coffee cup to set up for a day.
It did remain on the tube base while I went thru and checked all the tubes in that most recent SVT-VR repair, and I was lucky to not have the pin break off during installation or removal.
What ave you guys found to be the best adhesive for repairing these when they break off?