So a client brings in a Fender Hotrod Deluxe saying that occasionally when switching from clean channel to the drive channel using the foot switch, the amp would suddenly be in the drive channel but full on volume when the gain and master volumes were turned down low.
We tested it when he got it here and foot switch doesn't change the channels at all even though the lights on the footswitch go on and off as expected. The drive channel light on the amp stays on regardless, and the amp stays in the clean channel all the time. Sound is normal in the clean channel.
So I open up the back of the amp and right off I see the mess shown above. First I suspected the 22uf 500v cap to be leaking down on to the 2 resistors 470 ohm. There is remnant's of whatever is causing this (most visible on the resistors) also on the board and down below the resistors on the lower board that holds the tubes. I checked the 22uf 500v cap and it checks normal. Also checked the resistors and they both measure near 470 ohms.
Any ideas here?