Hi, I've built a deluxe reverb clone and have hit a snag. My screen and plate voltages on the 6v6s are both only 153v. I get a zero reading on pin 8 (through 1 ohm resistors), both mA and mV. I measured and set the negative bias voltage at -35. It's not a tube problem- already swapped another pair with same results.
B+ is 440, then the second node drops all the way down to the 153v. The remaining power caps measure about as they should.
Obviously there's no output, unless I dime channel 1 and get faint crackling notes. Vibrato channel is silent all the way up.
Does this seem like a power cap or maybe transformer problem? I've checked the wiring and solder joints thoroughly.
B+ is 440, then the second node drops all the way down to the 153v. The remaining power caps measure about as they should.
Obviously there's no output, unless I dime channel 1 and get faint crackling notes. Vibrato channel is silent all the way up.
Does this seem like a power cap or maybe transformer problem? I've checked the wiring and solder joints thoroughly.