I am searching for the 2 resistor values, this is a Mark IV B. The resistors are R123 & R124..I cannot find a schematic
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Mesa Boogie Mark IV
It seems that no version of the Mark IV schematic indicates if it's A or B model and none include the power supply. I peeped a bit but didn't find any R123 or R124. Can I assume these are in the power supply? And if so it may be good to know why they need replacement before replacing them."Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo
"Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas
"If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz
The circuit board around the two resistors has been repaired before, the trace was burned and damaged pretty badly. Somebody has also changed both of these resistors and 123 they have tied two resistors together, I was curious of the correct value. I am assuming they tie into V1, V1 is a 12AX7 that feeds from the input from what I can gather. V1 is not working therefor the amp has no sound.
Originally posted by pnut5150 View PostSomebody has also changed both of these resistors and 123 they have tied two resistors together,..
Originally posted by pnut5150 View PostI am assuming they tie into V1
Originally posted by pnut5150 View PostV1 is not working therefor the amp has no sound.
If V1 is not glowing at all then you may have a failure in the filament circuit for as yet unknown reasons. This may be an additional problem or related, it's impossible for me to say. But it would be unusual for a couple of burned resistor to cause only one tube filament to not heat. Unless the "B" model does something like operate the first preamp tube on a DC filament supply for noise reduction. So that might be something else to consider. And as with the other scenario it's probable that the burned resistors are not the problem, but a symptom. Discovering why the circuit is drawing too much current through those resistors is the only way to reveal the problem and repair the amp.
Not a schematic, but I hope it helps before you're done with this."Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo
"Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas
"If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz
I have no clue of the resistors purpose due to no schematic. The values just seem way Off is why my curiosity of the correct value. From what I have gathered on the net, V1 has its own 12V supply direct from the power transformer though. None of the LEDS are working on the amp and no sound, I have gathered also that problem with the fried trace is a related symptom to no sound/LED,
And what are they supposed to be? What are their color codes?
Also, when resistors measure funny, try reversing meter leads. If you get the same reading, fine. If it changes hugely, then there is some small residual voltage in the circuit.Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.
Last edited by g1; 06-10-2018, 02:58 AM.Originally posted by EnzoI have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."
Originally posted by pnut5150 View PostThanks G1!
Enzo, I pulled the one that reads 22ohm, according to the resistor calculator I use it is correct, the other I’ll post a pic of how they replaced it..I hate when I run into a mess like this.Good luck with yours!
This isn't the future I signed up for.
Great coming through with the schem g. We need to keep it on the DL I think since Mesa (apparently) doesn't want it in the public domain or it would be available with a *oogle search. Maybe pnut could report that it's uploaded to PC and it could be removed? I wouldn't want the forum or any repair techs here to have to fuss with their relationship with Mesa
Since neither R123 or R124 is 22 ohms the schematic or the circuit is already in question. If R124 is the one reading over 330k that would explain V1 and anything on those low voltage sources not working (provided the schematic is accurate?). Which could include some of the peripheral things you mentioned."Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo
"Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas
"If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz
Haha sounds like you had a major mess!! Bottom of this board is damaged pretty bad from previous repair, they scratched board pretty severe and looks like a small hole in board as well. Board is black around the two resistors in question as well. I’m sure I will pull my hair out, Mesa is a mess to begin with and customer service won’t help except for trying to save your hair and get you to send it in lol
Originally posted by pnut5150 View PostMesa is a mess to begin with and customer service won’t help except for trying to save your hair and get you to send it in lolMesa was always good to me WRT customer service. Freely providing schematics (accurate?) and they even repaired a known hum fault in an amp of mine for the cost of shipping!!! And I had bought the amp used! There were times when I had to excuse myself from the conversation because their techs were so talkative and engaged. Sorry to hear that things have changed to this. That is, if you did call them? If the Mark IV-B has an inherent failure in these circuits I would have expected the old Mesa (Boogie) to help generously as a matter of honor.
"Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo
"Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas
"If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz
I have it saved to my phone if it needs taken down, thanks! I haven’t called Mesa on this one, I called about a Roadster a few years ago, schematics are top secret. After I called multiple times they finally released the power section part of the schematic I needed. Very friendly people, just not helpful with schematics I guess I should say.