Originally posted by Steve A.
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P.S. The head cabinet for your DR looks really cool. I wonder if it would fit my 2006 DRRI chassis...
P.P.S. So how many hours have you run your amp? It seems to me that they mellow out a bit with time... perhaps the caps? Or maybe I just get tuned in and pick softer...
You got this covered with your original from 1980 but Warehouse Guitar Speakers makes an ET65 Celestion clone that sells for $80. GC & MF sell the 8 & 16 ohm varieties with free shipping which is really cool since WGS's shipping charges have always been a deal killer for me.
Not that I tend to go overboard (I do! I do!) but I've ordered 4 of them since discovering them last year — best.speaker.ever!
Not that I tend to go overboard (I do! I do!) but I've ordered 4 of them since discovering them last year — best.speaker.ever!
I have lots of experience with other WGS speakers though through friends and bands that have come through my little studio. The Veteran 30s, Retro 30s, ET-65s,...all of them. Every WGS I've ever mic'd has been pretty nice.
I've never tried any of their "American" speakers though. My plan all along was to build a Fender style head to be used with Marshall cabs. I've got an empty cab out in the garage. Maybe I need to make an "American" cab for this DR clone head.