After replacing the Quad 6L6GC pwr tubes, I'm seeing the plate voltage swinging from around 420VDC to 395VDC and back, cycling at around a 1-2 second rep rate. I'm used to running into that when there's a Tremolo circuit running, but, no such circuit in this 3-Ch EVH 5150, similar to the Peavey 5150, but this is the Creamy-white EVH 5150.
It came to the shop from our rental inventory, no output (blown HT fuse), and after replacing it, I found it was pulling high current, from one pair of power tubes that were failing. Ordered a new matched quad set of J/J 6L6GC's, and upon installing the first pair into the bias probes, I found once again the max plate current I could dial up was 22mA. Tacked in a 100k resistor across a 68k resistor in the bias circuit to increase the neg bias, now having sufficient range to set up any set of tubes.
With each pair, checking to verify the matching, I was noticing the plate voltage cycling in magnitude. I wasn't seeing any variation on the AC mains current/wattage being pulled. Only about 1mA variation in the plate current seeing on the bias probe meter..
It came to the shop from our rental inventory, no output (blown HT fuse), and after replacing it, I found it was pulling high current, from one pair of power tubes that were failing. Ordered a new matched quad set of J/J 6L6GC's, and upon installing the first pair into the bias probes, I found once again the max plate current I could dial up was 22mA. Tacked in a 100k resistor across a 68k resistor in the bias circuit to increase the neg bias, now having sufficient range to set up any set of tubes.
With each pair, checking to verify the matching, I was noticing the plate voltage cycling in magnitude. I wasn't seeing any variation on the AC mains current/wattage being pulled. Only about 1mA variation in the plate current seeing on the bias probe meter..