how do my Superiors (that's you guys) charge for chasing dead-end clues in solving a problem....and still have a commercially viable business?
Amp makes no sound:
Does the power light come on? Yes? Move on. No? Check fuse, switch, fuse holder, inrush limiter (if used), mains wiiring
Check speaker. if OK, then amp at fault. If speaker, you are already done, just get the new speaker and bolt it in.
DO ALL tube heaters light?
Is there ANY background sound or is it utterly silent?
Is there high voltage? Does it appear on every tube plate? Any plates stuck at B+ voltage. DO any non-grounded cathodes lack voltage?
Right there I have already diagnosed the majority of dead amps. And that really should take just a couple minutes.
Beyond that we start following signal. APply signal to the input, and see how far it gets in the circuit. Does it reach the power amp? Most amps have FX loops these days, and they are essentially the transfer point between preamp and power amp. Use those jacks as clues. Note it isn't until we get to these steps we really even need a schematic.