I recently took on the project of restoring an old tube amp of mine. The most simplistic circuit you could imagine for a tube amp. 12AU6, 50C5, 12AV6 tubes into a filter and a micro transformer. I am an electronics student and I am pretty new to this field so bear with me. I have heard and read countless times that replacing the caps is almost mandatory in serving old, unattended guitar amps. There were two caps rated .03-400V and I replaced those with .04-400v. There were 4 other caps rated .05-400V and I replaced those with .06-630V. I increased all of the sizes because I read that doing this will increase the gain in their respective stages. I believe I did this successfully, but although the difference was small, there still was some improvement. I then to replace the resitors...all 6 of them. Pretty much the same deal here. Everything seemed to be fine, and then i woke up one morning and plugged and as the title of the thread would imply, i started getting the "farting" type response. The volume seemed somewhat lower and the performance was clearly lower. I dont really know where to start in checking this problem out. any assistance would be awesome
