How to prevent servicing new amps? Pour both Threadlock into all hardware that would have to be removed, then add red Glyptol over the nut/threads. Don't bother tightening the hardware. Only use latching 1/4" Fast-On Female connectors so you can't remove them...for certain on the power and standby switches! Pour RTV over everything, particularly those leads you need for clipping your ground clip of your DMM onto. Only use non-hardened soft-steel Chinese cage nuts that both break and pop out of the chassis when putting them back together. Use random-sized 2mm Hex drive truss head screws threaded into non-tightened power tube PCB mating standoffs to mount the tube sockets, so only half of the screws can be removed, others either strip out immediately, won't even acknowledge your undamaged end 2mm hex driver, and the rest just spin the hex standoff of the power tube PCB so you can't remove the cover plate.
Took me 20 minutes just to remove the stinking preamp chassis from their current production antics. I can't wait to get to the second power tube PCB/cover plate.
Took me 20 minutes just to remove the stinking preamp chassis from their current production antics. I can't wait to get to the second power tube PCB/cover plate.