I've gotten myself an OLD Earth Bass Travler-amp(BT-2000) for the fun of it, but it seems to be a slight problem regardig noise. It almost sounds like a guitar with a really bad fretbuzz when I play through it. One thing is that's noisy when turned on, but the fretbuzz-kinda noise while playing is bugging me. Any ideas on what it might be?
And yeah... It ain't the guitar having fretbuzz
I've gotten myself an OLD Earth Bass Travler-amp(BT-2000) for the fun of it, but it seems to be a slight problem regardig noise. It almost sounds like a guitar with a really bad fretbuzz when I play through it. One thing is that's noisy when turned on, but the fretbuzz-kinda noise while playing is bugging me. Any ideas on what it might be?
And yeah... It ain't the guitar having fretbuzz