Hey y'all,
Have an vintage AC50 MKiii on the bench in very bad shape, it's been unused for 20+ years.
After repairing some basics like an amature cord replacement, bypassing the Brimistor, replacing 33/33uf Caps, new tubes, new rectifier, it was still pulling a lot of current on the limiter. After disconnecting one end of the choke (measured 190 ohms across) it settled down, and I could see 500 on the plates WITH the limiter. The bulb was now pretty dim, but no sound / hiss / hum. I know the output is making it to the speaker because I can hear a -pop- when I drain the B+ at the OT tranny.
For test purposes, I tried installing a resistor in place of the choke; after putting about 4k on it I have 290 plate volts, still no sound, and it's pulling down the AC so that the preamp tubes are not visibly lit. Without the choke, the filaments are fine across the board.
My main questions:
I know you can replace the choke with a resistor, but in this case, can I just bypass it until we have signal again? It's possible something like a failed electrolytics in the preamp are cutting the sound, and since it seems like it's job is just a filter, is this an option? If not, how would I calculate the value of a temporary replacement resistor for testing purposes?
2. I've never run into a bad choke before. Resistance was under 200 ohms, OL to chassis while disconnected, so according to GEOfex it's 'likely ok'. Could I be missing something here? Could it be functioning well, but allowing a problem upstream when connected??
Have an vintage AC50 MKiii on the bench in very bad shape, it's been unused for 20+ years.
After repairing some basics like an amature cord replacement, bypassing the Brimistor, replacing 33/33uf Caps, new tubes, new rectifier, it was still pulling a lot of current on the limiter. After disconnecting one end of the choke (measured 190 ohms across) it settled down, and I could see 500 on the plates WITH the limiter. The bulb was now pretty dim, but no sound / hiss / hum. I know the output is making it to the speaker because I can hear a -pop- when I drain the B+ at the OT tranny.
For test purposes, I tried installing a resistor in place of the choke; after putting about 4k on it I have 290 plate volts, still no sound, and it's pulling down the AC so that the preamp tubes are not visibly lit. Without the choke, the filaments are fine across the board.
My main questions:
I know you can replace the choke with a resistor, but in this case, can I just bypass it until we have signal again? It's possible something like a failed electrolytics in the preamp are cutting the sound, and since it seems like it's job is just a filter, is this an option? If not, how would I calculate the value of a temporary replacement resistor for testing purposes?
2. I've never run into a bad choke before. Resistance was under 200 ohms, OL to chassis while disconnected, so according to GEOfex it's 'likely ok'. Could I be missing something here? Could it be functioning well, but allowing a problem upstream when connected??