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Marshall AVT50 Noisy Fan

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  • Marshall AVT50 Noisy Fan

    I just picked up a used Marshall 2000 AVT50 Amp and when I got it home cleaned it up and turned it on I heard noise that I beleive is coming from the fan. Is this a common problem?
    Is replacing the fan difficult? I am handy but have never opened an amp. I can see where the fan is bolted in.
    If anybody could give me some advise I would appreciate it.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Well, I have the same amp which I bought used and the fan never worked! But I read in a review about the amp that it has a noisy fan. I was worried about overheating, but it didn't caused me any problems. I've never heared my fan buzzing but I believe yours is just fine. :-)

    I dismounted the fan from the board and connected it to an DC adapter and it worked. I believe the fan is ok, but it gets no power from the board.

    I've searched the internet for the schematics of this amp, but found nothing...


    • #3
      I've seen this problem too. I disassembled one fan and use teflon lube on the sleeves to sqeeze a little more life out of the fan. If I recall right, the output IC was attached directly to a heatsink behind the fan and was electrically isolated from ground. Just make note of the bolts and washers before you attempt removal. I think there were some special plastic washers holding the main amp and fan.


      • #4
        Those ICs do pop if they get too hot and it is a nuisance & can cause further damage inside the amp. I would change the fan. Not very expensive. Marshall will sell one through a dealer for you - maybe direct to you if you ask. Most techs with a Marshall account will fit one for you for their bench fee plus a few quid for the fan. Ask here and someone will recommend one near you. Alas I am an ocean away.

        People could save themselves from giving me quite a bit more money if they would bring in amps with noisy fans rather than with shorted power units. But - come to think of it - I have never, never known that to happen!


        • #5
          New fan is on the way_Thanks!

          I ordered the replacement fan today and just want to thank you all for your replies.

