I have a 1960 Fender 4x10 Concert Amp 5G12 in for an overhaul. I recapped it, put in a 3 prong AC cord, adjusted the bias resistors to get it up over 50%, replaced the wrong value screen resistors (they were 470K). Now she is running well except for the vibrato, which very weak indeed. I have never seen this vibrato circuit before, and to be honest, am not really grasping how it works. I have oscillation that follows the speed knob on the top plate of the tube, but not on the bottom plate. Should it be there? I also get oscillation at the intensity pot, but it only swings about a couple of volts.
Any help I could get with this would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and I am working with the 5G13 Vibrosonic schematic, as I believe it is practically identical to the near impossible to find 5G12 Concert.
Any help I could get with this would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and I am working with the 5G13 Vibrosonic schematic, as I believe it is practically identical to the near impossible to find 5G12 Concert.