Hi all,
I play in a band with a guy who bought this Fender Princeton Reverb Drip Edge reissue model. It worked and sounded great for about 6 months but then started making a weird splattering sound when turned up a bit. I took it home and it turned out to be a mechanical vibration noise, not electronic. It occurred on lower notes A and Ab when the amp was pushed a little. Initially, I thought it was a vibration between the bottom of the chassis and the aluminum drip edge. First, I made sure the drip edge was securely mounted and did a little minor filing on the bottom of the faceplate (very minor). Then, I installed some rubber shock mount gasket on the top edge of the chassis, which helped a little but not enough. After re-assembly, it became obvious the vibration noise was centered around the upper left corner of the amp, somewhere around the input jacks. I tightened the baffleboard (and speaker) and there was a tiny gap on the left side, top, and so I installed some 'dampening shims' and the vibration noise went away. Now, 2 months later it's re-appeared. I think it's a chassis and cabinet fit problem and I'm wondering if anyone else with a new-ish Princeton Reverb Drip Edge has had any similar vibration problems? I've seen an awful lot of Fender amps in my time but this was a first. This noise made the amp unplayable and certainly, un-recordable.
Bob M.
I play in a band with a guy who bought this Fender Princeton Reverb Drip Edge reissue model. It worked and sounded great for about 6 months but then started making a weird splattering sound when turned up a bit. I took it home and it turned out to be a mechanical vibration noise, not electronic. It occurred on lower notes A and Ab when the amp was pushed a little. Initially, I thought it was a vibration between the bottom of the chassis and the aluminum drip edge. First, I made sure the drip edge was securely mounted and did a little minor filing on the bottom of the faceplate (very minor). Then, I installed some rubber shock mount gasket on the top edge of the chassis, which helped a little but not enough. After re-assembly, it became obvious the vibration noise was centered around the upper left corner of the amp, somewhere around the input jacks. I tightened the baffleboard (and speaker) and there was a tiny gap on the left side, top, and so I installed some 'dampening shims' and the vibration noise went away. Now, 2 months later it's re-appeared. I think it's a chassis and cabinet fit problem and I'm wondering if anyone else with a new-ish Princeton Reverb Drip Edge has had any similar vibration problems? I've seen an awful lot of Fender amps in my time but this was a first. This noise made the amp unplayable and certainly, un-recordable.
Bob M.