The circuit was designed with a current limit in mind. Smaller wires, and components built within this spec. The Bassman amp runs at safe, comfortable 2 amps or less. My home offers 15 amps at the 120V wall plug. Slamming a full 10A for example or 15A into the circuit is going to fry things. Electrons move at the speed of light and can create intense heat quickly in components that restrict its movement. For example a transformer. The heat can melt parts such as the transformer windings. Turning steel windings into melting liquid. Or worse, other parts that may get hot, then combust.
Agreed it was the wrong thing to do. At the time I was pretty confident the transformer was bad and made a poor decision to proceed with 10A.
Agreed it was the wrong thing to do. At the time I was pretty confident the transformer was bad and made a poor decision to proceed with 10A.