Got a Crate Palomino V32 in for the usual dirty pots and jacks. Once I got that in order I find a sputtering, muffled noises in the clean channel that sounds like distant thunder. It stops when a plug is inserted into the Line In plug, so I trace it back to V2. Shorting grid 2 has no effect, but shorting grid 7 silences it. OK, but why just the clean channel? This amp uses 5 vactrols for channel switching. The first 3 determine which channel passes signal, but pin 2 is after the point where they mix, and grounding it has no effect. The other two determine whether the master level is activated or not, and that is downstream of grid pin 7.
I suspect the coupling cap C36 between the two triodes of V2, but this board is going to be a bit of a pain to get under, so I was hoping for some insight before I dig into it, hoping to have to do it only once. Heck, I may even replace a couple of those resistors while I have it out just to be safe.
PS, changing the tube made no change.
I suspect the coupling cap C36 between the two triodes of V2, but this board is going to be a bit of a pain to get under, so I was hoping for some insight before I dig into it, hoping to have to do it only once. Heck, I may even replace a couple of those resistors while I have it out just to be safe.
PS, changing the tube made no change.