When is the last time you've encountered a simple SS power amp module fail, taking out EVERY transistor in the circuit? Besides that a handful of resistors, both zener's, leaving behind three 1N4148 Signal Diodes that survived. Eden WT 800, one of the later generation models having the Power Amp PCB's that use three pairs of NPN/PNP's....though the last time this had come in, again with further foil / solder pad damage to the output stage, I had to restore it with 2 pairs of MJL21193/MJL21194's in place of the 3 pair of 2SA1492/2SC3856 power xstrs. Both modules had been done the same.
In this instance, the amp appears to have been running in Bi-Amp mode. I can't recall a time when EVERY xstr had failed. The other module.....I found a single 1N4148 diode open (D4), for some reason. I did end up with some scorched fiberglass, so after removing all that carbon, it's now curing with a coating of Corona Dope, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow before populating the board.
The power amp schematic on this one is the PM500, last page in the file.
WT800C schematic.pdf
In this instance, the amp appears to have been running in Bi-Amp mode. I can't recall a time when EVERY xstr had failed. The other module.....I found a single 1N4148 diode open (D4), for some reason. I did end up with some scorched fiberglass, so after removing all that carbon, it's now curing with a coating of Corona Dope, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow before populating the board.
The power amp schematic on this one is the PM500, last page in the file.
WT800C schematic.pdf