Hello all, further to my schematics request, here are some images of the internals. Someone has been in here before me as the speaker wire was cut, even though I was assured no one has ever tried to repair it
Fuses F5 and F3 are blowing, although the main fuse is good. I have 41v on both the big filter caps. The blown fuses connect directly to T5 and T7. I've removed both T5 and T7 and my transistor tester tells me they are just resistors, both are shorted Emitter to Collector. There was a track blown off under T7 (I bridged with a little used solder wick pictured). Googling the part numbers of those transistors didn't find anything. No DC on the speaker output.
One last thing, C5 on the far right of the top view is two (thick) metal legs sticking out the board, but no cap to be found. I see that there is pretty much an mirror image of both sides of the board so we are one capacitor less on the right side compared the left