Now the (original) KT77 is a very special tube. Like all of the KT family is was manufactured only by a single company (Osram > MO-V = Marconi-Osram-Valves > GEC > Genalec ("Gold Lion"): all the same manufacturer). Some of its data looks similar to the EL34 but it is a completely different tube. Like all KT tubes it is a beam power tetrode (KT meaning "kinkless tetrode") and not a pentode like the EL34. It was designed/optimized for UL ("ultralinear") operation and seems to have a delicate screen structure. The spec limits screen voltage to 300V if not used in UL:
Nevertheless it was used as Marshall OEM equipment in the 80s for a short period, of course with screen voltages considerably exceeding the 300V limit. While the sound was great, the tubes soon developed structural rattling.
A schematic showing modifications and measured voltages would be much more useful than the layout.
Nevertheless it was used as Marshall OEM equipment in the 80s for a short period, of course with screen voltages considerably exceeding the 300V limit. While the sound was great, the tubes soon developed structural rattling.
A schematic showing modifications and measured voltages would be much more useful than the layout.