This is the first time I've ever had a transformer problem. Amp was blowing fuses. With power tubes removed, fuse held, transformer made a sizzling sound. Checked the GEOFEX troubleshooting, wanted to make sure my transformer testing was correct.
Measured resistance between pins 4 and 6 on the rectifier socket. (tube removed) read 266 ohms (below 1K is good?)
pin 4 to ground 88 ohms (should be 1M or more?)
pin 6 to ground 179 ohms (should be 1M or more?)
Am I doing this correctly? Are pins 4 and 6 the primaries?
Again this is my first transformer diagnosis, the SIZZLING steered me that direction.
Measured resistance between pins 4 and 6 on the rectifier socket. (tube removed) read 266 ohms (below 1K is good?)
pin 4 to ground 88 ohms (should be 1M or more?)
pin 6 to ground 179 ohms (should be 1M or more?)
Am I doing this correctly? Are pins 4 and 6 the primaries?
Again this is my first transformer diagnosis, the SIZZLING steered me that direction.