I've thought about this a few times and don't know that I have seen anyone say anything for or against the idea. The question is if you have a situation where you suspect a capacitor is bad, can you tack another capacitor in parallel to see if it fixes the problem (or at least improves it). For example maybe don't have the right size or don't want to teardown/rework/reassemble the amp just to find out it that wasn't the problem after all. I am working on a Peavey Triumph where some of the radial lead caps are mounted between the mezzanine style PCBs, so they have to be under a certain height and I don't have any caps that will fit in that space, but I could tack caps to the back of the board (which faces up) to test a theory.
Similarly I have considered using caps to create AC short/ DC block to ground on small signal circuits to troubleshoot noise problems.
So is this something that people do? Is it a good idea, bad idea, or just weird idea?
Similarly I have considered using caps to create AC short/ DC block to ground on small signal circuits to troubleshoot noise problems.
So is this something that people do? Is it a good idea, bad idea, or just weird idea?