I have a nice Epiphone SoCal 50 that I got cheap because the channel switching was not working.
The LEDs switch, but the channel itself doesn't change
Since the LEDs change the switching circuit has power and the switch works
Since the Gain channel works, both V1 & V2 are good since all 4 halves are in use.
As far as I can tell the RLY2 relay isn't switching.
See Attached
It's a standard DIP 12 volt DPDT relay but I can't really tell the rest of the specs to order a replacement
Has anyone ever replaced one of these relays and what they used/or specs.
This is the same preamp found in the Blues Custom 30 amp
The LEDs switch, but the channel itself doesn't change
Since the LEDs change the switching circuit has power and the switch works
Since the Gain channel works, both V1 & V2 are good since all 4 halves are in use.
As far as I can tell the RLY2 relay isn't switching.
See Attached
It's a standard DIP 12 volt DPDT relay but I can't really tell the rest of the specs to order a replacement
Has anyone ever replaced one of these relays and what they used/or specs.
This is the same preamp found in the Blues Custom 30 amp