Please stay with me on this one - a bit complicated but of interest I hope, and I could do with a bit of help.
Here is the compressor section of a very expensive SS boutique bass amp made in Germany. The customer complains that a subtle distortion creeps in when the compressor is working. It is indeed both audible as a higher harmonic and visible on the output as a sort of soft clip to the top of the wave. Turn down the compression and the gain, and it goes away.
The compressor is an optical type. OC1 is the LDR controlled by the LED labelled OptoLED.
The TL071 that drives the LED puts out about 4vAC max, and averages about 1.5vAC under normal signals. The bridge rectifies this AC signal and thus the compressor is activated. It uses a green LED in a hand-built opto-whatsit held together with heatshrink. The LED sees from 0 to 0.8vDC, but at 0.8vDC there's also about 1.4vAC at signal frequency driving the LED.
I observed that at such low voltages, the diodes were leaving significant portions of the waveform intact because of their thresholds, so the LED was being driven by a rather dirty mixed DC/AC input that echoed the signal frequency. So I took the LED out of the circuit and ran it from the bench supply with clean DC. The distortion disappeared.
OK, what's wrong here? Am I missing something in this circuit that should be smoothing out the LED's supply? What does C19 do? Or is is it (I hate to say this) a bad design? Any solutions? I was thinking, germanium diodes... (shows I'm getting desperate).
The diodes are good; the bridge is connected right.
Thanks in advance as usual.
Here is the compressor section of a very expensive SS boutique bass amp made in Germany. The customer complains that a subtle distortion creeps in when the compressor is working. It is indeed both audible as a higher harmonic and visible on the output as a sort of soft clip to the top of the wave. Turn down the compression and the gain, and it goes away.
The compressor is an optical type. OC1 is the LDR controlled by the LED labelled OptoLED.
The TL071 that drives the LED puts out about 4vAC max, and averages about 1.5vAC under normal signals. The bridge rectifies this AC signal and thus the compressor is activated. It uses a green LED in a hand-built opto-whatsit held together with heatshrink. The LED sees from 0 to 0.8vDC, but at 0.8vDC there's also about 1.4vAC at signal frequency driving the LED.
I observed that at such low voltages, the diodes were leaving significant portions of the waveform intact because of their thresholds, so the LED was being driven by a rather dirty mixed DC/AC input that echoed the signal frequency. So I took the LED out of the circuit and ran it from the bench supply with clean DC. The distortion disappeared.
OK, what's wrong here? Am I missing something in this circuit that should be smoothing out the LED's supply? What does C19 do? Or is is it (I hate to say this) a bad design? Any solutions? I was thinking, germanium diodes... (shows I'm getting desperate).
The diodes are good; the bridge is connected right.
Thanks in advance as usual.