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No voltages - p transformer?

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  • No voltages - p transformer?

    Hey all,
    got a gibson class A tube amp here... filaments light up, no sound... NOTHING. measured voltages and there is NONE. disconnected p transformer secondary and the black reads 81VAC and red reads 177VAC... filaments are reading 14VAC. My feeling is that this is far from right. Can someone tell me how to test the p transfomer? It isn't blowing fuses so most info i've found regarding testing PT is of no help.


  • #2
    Right voltages or not, if you are reading ac output from the transformer, then it is working enough to not be the problem that you describe.

    I'd look at the rectifier and power supply parts first.


    • #3
      What model is the amp? Have you checked the rectifier?

      "If you're the only person I irritate with my choice of words today I'll be surprised" Chuck H.


      • #4
        thanks for help guys... but how can it be the rectifier if I have disconnected the secondary? amp is a Gibson Super Goldtone
        Last edited by lowell; 01-08-2008, 08:51 PM.


        • #5
          I'm sorry, but what are you asking here?

          The rectifier converts the ac output from the transformer to a dc voltage to run the entire amp on. If you measured no voltage, but the filaments did light up, then the amp has no DC voltage, which comes from the rectifier (be it tube of solid state diode).

          You measured ac output from the power transformer (that's why the filaments light up), so it appears to be working.

          Hook the secondary windings back up and check the rectifier section of the power supply.


          • #6
            i guess my question is... why is the black secondary wire ony 81VAC and the red secondary so different at 177VAC and is this normal to have such a huge difference? I will try testing the rectifier. Also, shouldn't the secondaries of the PT be in the order of at least 200+VAC? There are 4 EL84 in this amp.


            • #7
              According to the schematic there should be 340 vac from the red wire to the black. How are you reading the voltages?


              • #8
                ok... now the amp works... hmmm... don't know what happened there, but I reconnected the PT to check rectifiers and all was fine...??? I also figured out the initial problem which was that the "series" fx loop was engaged w/ no effect plugged in, thus killing the entire signal of the amp... a dumb design in my opinion. they should've used a shorting jack in there.

                thanks for help!
                oh and any ideas on why the PT measured that way?

