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Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
Boring topic I know, but I am stumped here. I have removed 4 bolts on top and two on each side and assumed I could slide the chassis out the back. It can not fit out the back, what am I missing here?
It can not fit out the back, what am I missing here?
Try checking the top panel to see if it's removable. Some of those Traynors had a top panel that would lift out, opening up the inside of the chassis for repairs. It may be painted or stuck in, but they do come off.
Got it now, thanks. I got the top off. I don't think it had ever been opened before and was stuck on pretty good. It looks completely stock, I am not planning on messing with it, just adding a 3 prong cord before I see how it sounds.
Got it now, thanks. I got the top off. I don't think it had ever been opened before and was stuck on pretty good. It looks completely stock, I am not planning on messing with it, just adding a 3 prong cord before I see how it sounds.
Andrew M.
Those lids are aways stuck.
Wow... you sure you don't want to mess with it?
I've rebuilt quite a few of them and almost ALWAYS, the paper covered filter caps are blown or vented out from over heating.
I'd replace all the high voltage caps in the B+ supply and any other electrolytic cap on the board... especially the bias filter caps.
Modern 80uF to 100uF caps at 350v are easy to find.
Yeah, I guess it will need a cap job - it looks like a early 70s model (the schematic is dated 1972). It came with a 2 x12 cabinet (YT-12) so it should be a pretty solid setup. The schematic looks pretty much like a bassman, except for a mid boost in there.