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jc120 speaker wiring

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  • jc120 speaker wiring

    Hi all,
    I just dusted off my jc120 after a few years and for some unknown reason
    had disconnected the speakers, anyone know which colour to which terminal?

  • #2
    The Roland JC 120 has 2 seperate 60watt amplifiers in it so you have to make sure you get it right.Worth sliding out the chassis and checking where the speaker wires connect.
    The + of one speaker goes to terminal number 20 and the + of the second speaker goes to terminal number 28.
    The - terminals go to the corresponding "Ext Sp" (extension speaker)output and are connected to the tip of the jack socket which via a switched contact go to ground or earth.
    This is according to a schematic I have but there I believe there are a few variations.
    These pictures may be helpful.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Thanks OC, very helpful of you. I had put them back the right way but it's good to get a confirmation.
      Suppose you cant help with another couple of things? The vib doesnt work
      but the chorus does and the amp is a little hissy. I've gone thru the usual stuff of testing each channel, flattening the eq, etc. Any suggestions gratefully received.

      Slight update: The vib is now working...! There seems to be an earth problem, if I touch a string on a guitar
      it goes awqay. Does that mean I need to take the earth out of the plug or vice versa. Sorry this is basic stuff,
      Last edited by spottydog10; 04-24-2008, 04:28 PM.


      • #4
        Never lift an earth off the power plug to solve a problem.
        This could lead to electrocotion if there is some other fault waiting in the wings.
        For memory they can be a bit "hissy" not so noticable with a guitar with a
        strong output.
        If its an old model like the one I saw it may be worth re soldering the small
        power supply board at the rear.It may be necessary to dissconnect the wires
        from the power tramsformer in order to flip the board over to solder.
        The one I had only had faults in the chorus/vib area and resoldering the
        regulators and dropping resistors on that board cured it.
        Are both channels noisy or just the chorus/vib one ?


        • #5
          Thanks OC,
          Yeah, I wont take the earth out, good advice.
          It's noisy on all channels. Not being very capable electronically, I aint gonna touch the internals. Instead I've worked on a sound with the pod x3 and I cant tell the difference on an a/b test.
          Cheating, but it seems to work...
          Thanks for the help

