I've got an old Elk Viking Bass Amp on my bench right now.
The schematic is here:
From the schematic, it's got a transformer phase inverter that drives two push pull pairs going into two separate transformers.
On this amp one transformer has been replaced.
The problem is the amp hums fairly loudly. I did a cap job, but it still hums.
Well, through trail and error, I found out that only one side of the power amp
produces the hum. The side with the replacement OT. If I pull the pair of tubes driving the replacement OT, the hum goes away.
Both pairs run from the same B+ source. It doesn't show it in the schematic,
but the heaters for each pair are run in series and the sets are wired in parallel. So if you pull one tube of a pair and power up, the remaining tube
doesn't light but, the other pair both light.
It doesn't matter which pair of tubes I put on the bad side, I still get a hum.
The bias is about the same at each socket of the humming side.
Not sure where to go from here, except to swap in another OT, although I've never heard of a bad OT causing hum.
Any insight is gladly accepted.
The schematic is here:
From the schematic, it's got a transformer phase inverter that drives two push pull pairs going into two separate transformers.
On this amp one transformer has been replaced.
The problem is the amp hums fairly loudly. I did a cap job, but it still hums.
Well, through trail and error, I found out that only one side of the power amp
produces the hum. The side with the replacement OT. If I pull the pair of tubes driving the replacement OT, the hum goes away.
Both pairs run from the same B+ source. It doesn't show it in the schematic,
but the heaters for each pair are run in series and the sets are wired in parallel. So if you pull one tube of a pair and power up, the remaining tube
doesn't light but, the other pair both light.
It doesn't matter which pair of tubes I put on the bad side, I still get a hum.
The bias is about the same at each socket of the humming side.
Not sure where to go from here, except to swap in another OT, although I've never heard of a bad OT causing hum.
Any insight is gladly accepted.