Several years ago I picked up a 1985 Polytone Mini 12L that wasn't working properly. This has an onboard modulation circuit, sort of like a Uni-Vibe wannabe thing.
Polytone removed the numbers from some of the chips, I guess to safeguard their new design that they hoped would set the world on fire.
Naturally, the first thing I did was call Polytone and get a schematic. THis proved to be a frustrating experience, they sent the srong schematic TWICE. It's seemingly impossible to contact anyone there that has a clue.
Next, I laid out $20.00 to download a service manual from musicparts.com.The chip numbers WERE NOT ON THE SCHEMATIC! AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!
So I'm out another twenty bucks and still at square one.
I was able to examine a standalone wersion of the phase shifter effect and it was the same, no numbers on the ICs.
Does anyone out there know what ICs are in this thing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Bill Cherensky
Several years ago I picked up a 1985 Polytone Mini 12L that wasn't working properly. This has an onboard modulation circuit, sort of like a Uni-Vibe wannabe thing.
Polytone removed the numbers from some of the chips, I guess to safeguard their new design that they hoped would set the world on fire.
Naturally, the first thing I did was call Polytone and get a schematic. THis proved to be a frustrating experience, they sent the srong schematic TWICE. It's seemingly impossible to contact anyone there that has a clue.
Next, I laid out $20.00 to download a service manual from musicparts.com.The chip numbers WERE NOT ON THE SCHEMATIC! AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!
So I'm out another twenty bucks and still at square one.
I was able to examine a standalone wersion of the phase shifter effect and it was the same, no numbers on the ICs.
Does anyone out there know what ICs are in this thing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Bill Cherensky