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Epiphone Valve Standard- Please Help?

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  • Epiphone Valve Standard- Please Help?

    Hi, guys- I bought an Epiphone Valve Standard from Daddy's Junky music, was told it was "brand new and returned". It worked great for a few months, then I started playing all acoustic for 2 months, so I didn't turn the amp on for 2 mos.

    The other day, I turned it on, and NOTHING, except a red light on the power switch. No noise, hum, just silence. I took the back off, but I saw NO tube glow. There's only 2 hanging down from metal chassis cover, I can't see how to Disassemble the amp. Which is kind of embarrassing, I'm an Electronic Tech, but I don't work on amps. I tried googling instructions, troubleshooting, Epiphone Valve Standard disassembly, etc., but not much luck.

    I read on THIS site a post from "Alex", who seemed an Expert with the Epiphone Valve Standard. Can ANYONE out there PLEASE tell me how to get at all the tubes, see all the components, so I can check them with my volt/ohm meter?
    I would REALLY appreciate help with disassembly/ troubleshooting this amp with a "power switch light and NO sound" promlem.
    Thank You in advance, Ill trade tons of Guitar Tab, I've collected for years.
    Thanks, Mike

  • #2
    Look on the top of the amp and you'll see four black plastic circles. Remove those and you'll see the screws that hold the chassis in place.


    • #3
      Hi there, defaced, or Mike, can you tell me where to download a schematic for the Epi Valve Standard, or a trobleshooting chart, or do you have any experience with them? I'd greatly appreciate it, really.
      Thanks again, Mike


      • #4
        I've got a PDF schem I'll upload when I get home. I don't remember where I got it, likely some forum, so I can't direct you to the same source.

        I've got a Valve Special which is the same preamp and effects, but different power amp so I may be able to help.


        • #5
          Mike-If you need my e-mail to send a schematic, or any other info, let me know, Ill put it up.


          • #6
            This forum handles attachments really well, so no need to email and rehost and all of the fun stuff.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              mikk, welcome to the forum.

              You will not find lots of documents on disassembly, troubleshooting, and repair instructions. No one publishes that sort of thing. We get schematics and not much else. RG has a nice troubleshooting guide on his Geofex site - it is not specific to a model or brand though.

              Is the amp still under warranty?
              Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


              • #8
                hi enzo, and thanx- no, it's not under warrantee, and can you give me address of RG's geofex troubleshooting guide?

                And thankx to you, mike. If there's anything I can help you with, guitar tab, theory, etc., let me know!


                • #9
                  Hey, Mike- I know this sounds dumb, but can you tell me how to blow up and print this schematic? I copied it into my USB stick, and my E-mail but this computer doesn't have microsoft Word. Any other way to enlarge and print?


                  • #10
                    It's a PDF, you can't open it with Word, you have to use Adobe Acrobat Reader. It's a free program and can be found easily with an internet search.


                    • #11
                      Mike-I really appreciate the help, the schematic. My personal computer is borken, and this one at work doesn't allow me to upload Adobe Acrobat, so all I can see is the thumbnail-size schematic. Can you do me one last favor, and tell me where I can get a full-size version of this schematic? Then I'll at least have a chance at fixing my amp. Thank you for everything, Mike <>


                      • #12
                        If you should end up needing exclusive parts for the Epiphone, this guy is a supplier.

                        The Valve standard we had with no filaments ended up with a bad power transformer. Funny thing was that the 6.3v winding was the only bad winding. All the other windings worked fine. We couldn't help ourselves but to take off the bell housing to see if something obvious had come loose, but to no avail. The 6.3V winding was just open.

                        The filaments also had a MOV in series with the transformer. It was burned. We never did find any reason for the windings to open up or the MOV to burn up. Power tubes all good & not intermittently shorting.

                        It was a bit unnerving. glen


                        • #13
                          can you give me address of RG's geofex troubleshooting guide?
                          um... .... what else?

                          And if we couldn't guess that, google would tell you.
                          Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.

