Hello, please let me introduce myself, ( where have i heard that line before ).
My name is Larry, nickname Larwood, and I'm here on this site not only to try and share info whenever i can about my hobby of building Valve/Tube Amps, but also to get help on the mysterious world of Stomp boxes, and my once Trusty go anywhere with me, Pig nose.
Now as hard as i scour this wonderful,weird,web, I cannot find a schematic out there anywhere, can anyone help? The one way i would suggest if we cant find one, is for me to post a small drawing if its allowed, of the resistor that burned to a frazzle before my eyes as a techie tried to show me where to connect an adapter, instead of running it on batteries.
Of course this part used to look like a resistor, but now resembled a small sample of my wives cooking, burnt, black as your hat and no way of ID'ing it.
Now this all happened 12years or so ago,and the old old Pignose has been laying in the back of my workshop since then.If we could establish the age and place of manufacture which i believe to be L.A,
with a Serial No of 28315
and a Model No of 7-100,
PCB No 104/032/041.
I may get another chance to hear the wonderful tone of a piece of equipment trying it's best to operate as the six 1.5v batteries start to flag or sag or go flat, whatever, but that tone I've missed it.
I can tell you that it's the largest resistor or whatever it is (Diode maybe?) on top of the PCB as soon as you take the black metal shield away.
I do HOPE that this problem will soon be a thing of the past and Piggy will be singing away again,and then we can start talking stomp box lingo and the questions that arise from the cloneing and patent issues that always seem to rear their ugly heads if some person comes up with a cracking pedal and immediately gets jumped on.
All that for next time eh.
Appreciate your help in advance.