The output of this amp looks unstable on a scope when it's feeding a load resistor. I feed a sine wave in, and the output has discontinuities in it. The output looks really jumpy on the scope too. If I remove the load the output looks fine.
I can feed the power amps directly and they drive the load all the way to clipping with no problems. If I stick a dummy plug in the return, the output of the send looks ok. When the problem is occurring, it seems to be throughout the whole amp. I have been occasionally able to get it to work for short periods, but usually it won't do that. And no amount of chop sticking anywhere inside will change the output. Power supply rails look ok.
Any ideas?
I can feed the power amps directly and they drive the load all the way to clipping with no problems. If I stick a dummy plug in the return, the output of the send looks ok. When the problem is occurring, it seems to be throughout the whole amp. I have been occasionally able to get it to work for short periods, but usually it won't do that. And no amount of chop sticking anywhere inside will change the output. Power supply rails look ok.
Any ideas?