Is MSU "Miami State University?" I spent a while in Cincinnati as the "Senior Tech" (which means the only full time one) at Buddy Roger's Music. But I've never had a formal electronics class in my life - I was a hyper active (before it had the alphabet soup of letters) electronics nerd in high school and I learned as I needed to by dragging home television chassis for parts - as Steve did. My "lesson plans" were the RCA Manual and the ARRL Handbook - these aren't some college level textbooks but instead the "shop manuals" for the working tube era corner TV shop guy. Here in Wise County there were no - absolutely no - TV "repairmen" -we weren't called "techs" - who had any sort of college education and this was before the community college system hit Virginia. There were a few guys who were trained in the military, a few under the "Manpower" program, but the majority of us learned on our own from the few printed materials available.
So I still maintain that Eric could learn more in an evening - as far as the very basics of tube electronics - from the RCA Manual than from the internet, despite his protests. But reading is a habit that has to be learned just like playing a guitar or holding your liquor or flirting with women or driving a motorcycle well or anything else. Yeah my mother was a librarian and was smart enough to let me learn and roam where I wished and I did grow up pre-internet and cable TV but I was also an emotionally disturbed clinically hyperactive child (they wanted to put me on amphetamines in the third grade - Ritalin wasn't invented yet). So if you think that sitting still and slowing down enough to learn something was easy for me you're flippin' crazy - just ask the numerous high school teachers that gave up on me.
But now at 54 I can look back at having been a somewhat successful tech for over 35 years, have owned and run my own small repair business, have been the primary tech for a large business (BRM above), have gotten a Master's degree and served a land use planner at state and county level as well as a couple of year (in hell) as the manager of a small town (as well as being an environmental organizer, a certified massage therapist, a state Forest Warden/forest fire fighter, helped direct a homeless shelter, helped direct a hospice, etc.).
So there ain't no excuse for not learning nor taking the time to make yourself learn if you're are interested in something no matter how shitty the learning institutions that you've had to endure!
My not so humble opinion.
So I still maintain that Eric could learn more in an evening - as far as the very basics of tube electronics - from the RCA Manual than from the internet, despite his protests. But reading is a habit that has to be learned just like playing a guitar or holding your liquor or flirting with women or driving a motorcycle well or anything else. Yeah my mother was a librarian and was smart enough to let me learn and roam where I wished and I did grow up pre-internet and cable TV but I was also an emotionally disturbed clinically hyperactive child (they wanted to put me on amphetamines in the third grade - Ritalin wasn't invented yet). So if you think that sitting still and slowing down enough to learn something was easy for me you're flippin' crazy - just ask the numerous high school teachers that gave up on me.
But now at 54 I can look back at having been a somewhat successful tech for over 35 years, have owned and run my own small repair business, have been the primary tech for a large business (BRM above), have gotten a Master's degree and served a land use planner at state and county level as well as a couple of year (in hell) as the manager of a small town (as well as being an environmental organizer, a certified massage therapist, a state Forest Warden/forest fire fighter, helped direct a homeless shelter, helped direct a hospice, etc.).
So there ain't no excuse for not learning nor taking the time to make yourself learn if you're are interested in something no matter how shitty the learning institutions that you've had to endure!
My not so humble opinion.