5c. since the collector of TR18 is lower than the collector of TR24 the output is not forward biased. Usually there will be about 0.5 to 0.7V across the base-emitter junction of each of the transistors, so the base of TR23 (which is also the collector of TR21) should be about 0.6V higher than the emitter (which should be about equal to the collector of TR24), the base of TR21 (which is the collector of TR20) should be 0.6V higher than that, the base of TR20 (which is the collector ot TR18) should be 0.6V higher than that. So the collector of TR18 should be about 1.5-2.1V higher than the collector of TR24/
Can you check the voltage across D1? That is not actually a single diode but a diode assembly that is about equal to 3 diodes. Beyond that I would measure voltages at all terminals of TR17, 18, 19 since that TR18 collector voltage is quite a bit lower than the service manual gives.
Can you check the voltage across D1? That is not actually a single diode but a diode assembly that is about equal to 3 diodes. Beyond that I would measure voltages at all terminals of TR17, 18, 19 since that TR18 collector voltage is quite a bit lower than the service manual gives.