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Am I Nuts? AKA- Go for it!

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  • Am I Nuts? AKA- Go for it!

    An unholy alliance of Line 6 and Bogner has created a beast of tube output section computer controlled to wreak havoc upon the techs of the world.
    Known as the DT25.

    Repaired one before, just needed output tubes and a tune up.

    This one shows a dead short on the limiter.

    Okay, I'll bite, not the output tubes pull power plug to tube/power supply board and digital fires up.

    Check high voltage supply, diodes, caps....looks okay.

    Oh boy, sure looks intimidating with all those fancy surface mount chips and stuff on the digital board.

    The plug also supplies 60 vac for other stuff....and a short across the pins, but not the connector.

    Diodes look good.....but what is this? A little .01 uf snubber across the ac feed....and it's shorted you little bastard!

    Pull it and everything fires up as it should.

    Replaced it with a nice 250v cap.

    So don't be afraid, just dig in and use what you have learned.

  • #2
    How do they sound? I have always been curious.


    • #3
      Not bad, nothing to get excited about.

      Solid state preamp, better than the Blackstar hybrids.

      No FX though.


      • #4
        Well, good for you. How many times have we heard from someone who says "I work on tube stuff but know nothing about solid state. A guy is bringing me his solid state amp to fix, says nothing comes out. How should I start?" And I have to think, GEEZ, just open it up and find out what is wrong. Yours is the perfect example of not mattering whether it is tubes or solid state.
        Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


        • #5
          "and it's shorted, you little bastard!"

          Thanks for the beer on the keyboard!!


          • #6
            I actually started with solid state gear as they sure didn't teach tube tech when I was in school.

            I've been working on digital and surface mount electronics for work for years, but it's still a little daunting when you open up something like this and there's a huge digital board full of smd chips controlling everything.


            • #7
              I think that really complicated amps can still fail for very simple reasons that are very common in simpler amps as well. I "fixed" two devices the other night (an old Line 6 amp and a Behringer mixer with digital effects) that both turned out to ribbon cable connection issues. That's it, just a ribbon cable with dirty contacts.


              • #8
                BAd jacks, broken controls, etc.
                Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.

