Day two of the extreme heat in Burbank, CA...climbing up to 114 deg F, so as the main warehouse at CenterStaging,LLC in Burbank is air conditioned, you BET this is where I've parked my fanny, as there's no air conditioning at home. Nice and cool here at my desk in the shop. So, not having finished my project of compiling ALL of the service notes written on during maintenance/repair of the Ampeg SVT 300 Watt tube amp (SVT-CL, SVT-AV, SVT-VR, SVT2-Pro, SVT II) since I began working here March 2009 thru the present, I've now compiled 347 pages of notes on all those repairs, and now, just beginning to go back thru them to catch the typos, mis-spelling, other edits. Before I got my cataract surgery done in 2019, the degree of typo's leading up to it was horrible. Finger-dislexia, I called it.
I just looked at the file size....31.6MB, so too large to be uploaded onto this thread in it's current state. It may have to be broken up into yearly chapters before I can upload it. At least now it's all in one file, though it will take time to refine it with an index, derive more details from it all to create a good troubleshooting guide. But, sure a good way to beat the heat outside. I've already completed the present load of repairs on the floor. I haven't yet resumed the loudspeaker cabinet preventative maintenance work, which the Pandemic shut down. No funds to cover all of the speaker replacements needed to manage all that yet.
I just looked at the file size....31.6MB, so too large to be uploaded onto this thread in it's current state. It may have to be broken up into yearly chapters before I can upload it. At least now it's all in one file, though it will take time to refine it with an index, derive more details from it all to create a good troubleshooting guide. But, sure a good way to beat the heat outside. I've already completed the present load of repairs on the floor. I haven't yet resumed the loudspeaker cabinet preventative maintenance work, which the Pandemic shut down. No funds to cover all of the speaker replacements needed to manage all that yet.