I want to have it switchable between 2-4-8-16 ohms and have adequate power handling that I shouldn't need to worry about it ever, from guitar to high power solid state PA amps.
I've sourced 5 elements, 4x 120V 1650W (8.727 ohms) and 1x 120V 2000W (7.2 ohms).
The best I could come up with is 4 toggle switches (4SPST, 1DPST) which will need to be set in various configurations to give me the setting I'm looking for.
This switching system seems a bit crude to me. This is my first time trying to come up with any type of circuit on my own, also first time ever drawing a schematic.
I will also parallel a Scope out and maybe a set of banana jacks with the amplifier in jack.
Any input on a possible better way to wire this up? Anything I'm missing that I should include? Would there be a way to get 2 of the 8R elements in series so I could eliminate the 5th 7.2R?
EDIT: Update with revised schematic.