The Ampeg SVT4-Pro I bought from Pontiacpete a few months ago is finally on the bench, having acquired the replacement front panel controls, knobs and rear panel Cliff Jack mounting nuts. I pulled the front panel PCB assembly out, and replaced the Midrange Freq Select Switch & Line Out Pot, then one by one, removed all of the front panel controls to lubricate the resistance tracks with Caig Deoxit and exercised them, along with the front panel pushbutton switches. After replacing the handle screws with #10-24 x 7/8” Socket Cap screws, split lock and flat washers, I put that PCB assembly back in.
Finally pulled the main power amp assembly out for inspection. I found the Ch A P-Ch MosFET’s all measuring shorted, while all of the Source and Gate resistors of both channels measured ok. The MosFET’s looked to be original, all having the factory ‘color dot’ on them, indicating factory matching. After removal of the five P-Ch MosFET’s (IRFP9240), I found only two were hard short, while the other three I could turn on and off with my DMM. I still had matched/batched IRFP9240 P-Ch MosFET’s on hand, and installed those.
While I had the assembly on the bench, I checked the bipolar supplies, finding the Negative 15V IC Regulator not powering up. I swapped it out, still not getting -15VDC. This was the PCB I was raging about, caked full of RTV gooped everywhere. While ohmmeter check on the input and output caps didn’t show a short, it still wouldn’t power up. So, had to hack away at the RTV until I finally found replacing the output Electrolytic cap (47uF/35V) was the culprit, and installed 47uF/63V Nichicon PW series caps in their place. Now I had bipolar supplies again.
With the LV Bipolar supplies working, I checked the IC’s on the main power amp circuits, and didn’t find any surprises. While I had it out, I drilled a number of holes into the Output Busses and Circuit Ground, adding test lead ‘hoops’ to aid in routine maintenance. Finding a good test lead ground in this amp has always been something lacking.
I wasn’t ready to put the PCB back into the unit, as I didn’t have access to all circuits, so I set the chassis on it’s back, stood the power amp PCB up supported by the fan, with the board’s output jacks face up, so I had access to all of the circuits from the solder side of the PCB.

I had checked all of the semiconductors in the two channels, just to be sure I didn’t have failed Zener diode clamps on the gate busses, along with the diodes in the voltage gain stage, as well as those in the current limiting circuits. All ok via Diode Test Mode on the DMM.
Attached voltmeters to the two output busses, ahead of the relays, so I could monitor the DC output levels. And a third voltmeter to monitor the Source Voltages of the Ch A output stage, with the Bias control turned all the way down, so I could bring that up once I saw I had nominal DC output buss levels (typically less than +/-10mV). Both channels measured around 7mVDC on the outputs. I begin turning the bias pot up on Ch A, monitoring the P-Ch MosFET’s. Stopped with them at around 10mV Vs average, to see what I had on the N-Ch MosFET’s, as well as those for Ch B. Ch B’s Vs readings varied quite a bit, but nothing out of control. Ch A’s N-Ch MosFET’s had two reading around 47mV, with the others ranging between 12mV and 23mV. I watched the two higher-reading N-Ch MosFET’s increasing from 47mV, passing 60mV when I shut it down, and decided to replace the N-Ch MosFET’s all together, suspecting when the channel failed, the N-Ch devices may have been over-stressed. Though, usually when the channel fails, we loose Gate and Source resistors, while this was NOT the case on this amp.
With a fresh matched set of N-Ch MosFET’s (IRFP240) installed, powering back up with the bias pot reset to CCW, as I began increasing the bias, this time monitoring the N-Ch devices. Got them set at 25mV Vs, with a tight spread on all five, and saw around -22mV Vs on the P-Ch devices, I began seeing the N-Ch devices’ Vs increasing over time (within a minute or two). And, I was seeing the front panel Limit LED flickering. I kept turning the bias pot lower, and went as far as fully CCW, while the N-Ch devices’ Vs was still reading over 35mVDC. Shut it down. The P-Ch devices were turned off, having dropped the bias down. So, seems like there some device leakage in the circuit that’s turning the N-Ch devices on, taking control over the variable bias circuit.

I first replaced the Emitter resistors R119 & R126 (47R 1W MOS). Checked again, same problem. Replaced Q102, Q103, Q104 & Q105 in the voltage gain stage, and replaced the bias xstr Q107, along with it’s mate Q106, and C110. Tried again, but still have the same problem. Replaced the short circuit clamp xstrs Q108 & Q109. Still same problem. Replaced all the resistors in the Voltage Gain Stage R118, R120, R121, R122, R125, as well as in the bias circuit R127, R128, R129 & R130, and also removed the bias pot AP101 to seep in Caig Deoxit and exercised it, checking the DCR of it to make sure the pot doesn’t go open circuit. Tried again, same problem. Next, changed the diodes D106, D107, D108 & D109, along with current limiting diodes D110 and D113.
Tried again, and I’m still finding the N-Ch stage climbing up in Is current. Turning the bias pot fully CCW doesn’t turn that stage off, while it does turn the P-Ch stage off.
I don’t have any replacement caps for the Gate Buss to Drain Buss…C115 being the suspect part. 680pF/200V axial lead monolithic ceramic cap.
Earlier, when I had noticed the Limit LED flickering, I replaced IC1 (NE5532) and IC101 (TL074). The replacement IC1 resulted in increased DC offset, now around 12-13mVDC on both channels. I was still seeing the LIMIT Led Flickering, and reading the Vs voltages, they are also varying up and down slightly. No such behavior on Ch B.
I was able to reuse the Bergquist K6 insulator sheet, managing to get the MosFET’s off without tearing or leaving deposited material on the Drain slab on the back side of the used MosFET’s. I think if I had leakage issues with the insulators, I’d have DC on the heat sinks. They don’t get grounded until the Power Amp assembly is installed into the chassis, getting ground via Fan Mounting bracket.

I just powered it up again, and watched it for a few minutes. Initially, I was seeing both the N-Ch and P-Ch devices’ Vs reading around 20mV/-20mV. Slowly, the N-Ch readings increased, with the P-Ch readings decreasing. By the time I was seeing around 35mV Vs on the N-Ch devices, the P-Ch devices were approaching 0V Vs. I’m no longer seeing the Limit LED flickering.
So, I’m somewhat at an impasse as to what to try next. I’ll have to order replacement caps for changing C115 & C116. I haven’t yet replaced the four zener diodes. The Gate buss voltages are reading 3.65VDC (N-Ch) and -3.18VDC (3.65VDC). The Is current range on the two sets of devices are around 74mA @ 3.6VDC Vs & 31mA @ -3.5VDC Vs.
1600 Watt Power Amp PCB Schematics (428XXSCH_1).pdf
1600 Watt Power Amp PCB (428XXPWA_0).pdf
Finally pulled the main power amp assembly out for inspection. I found the Ch A P-Ch MosFET’s all measuring shorted, while all of the Source and Gate resistors of both channels measured ok. The MosFET’s looked to be original, all having the factory ‘color dot’ on them, indicating factory matching. After removal of the five P-Ch MosFET’s (IRFP9240), I found only two were hard short, while the other three I could turn on and off with my DMM. I still had matched/batched IRFP9240 P-Ch MosFET’s on hand, and installed those.
While I had the assembly on the bench, I checked the bipolar supplies, finding the Negative 15V IC Regulator not powering up. I swapped it out, still not getting -15VDC. This was the PCB I was raging about, caked full of RTV gooped everywhere. While ohmmeter check on the input and output caps didn’t show a short, it still wouldn’t power up. So, had to hack away at the RTV until I finally found replacing the output Electrolytic cap (47uF/35V) was the culprit, and installed 47uF/63V Nichicon PW series caps in their place. Now I had bipolar supplies again.
With the LV Bipolar supplies working, I checked the IC’s on the main power amp circuits, and didn’t find any surprises. While I had it out, I drilled a number of holes into the Output Busses and Circuit Ground, adding test lead ‘hoops’ to aid in routine maintenance. Finding a good test lead ground in this amp has always been something lacking.
I wasn’t ready to put the PCB back into the unit, as I didn’t have access to all circuits, so I set the chassis on it’s back, stood the power amp PCB up supported by the fan, with the board’s output jacks face up, so I had access to all of the circuits from the solder side of the PCB.
I had checked all of the semiconductors in the two channels, just to be sure I didn’t have failed Zener diode clamps on the gate busses, along with the diodes in the voltage gain stage, as well as those in the current limiting circuits. All ok via Diode Test Mode on the DMM.
Attached voltmeters to the two output busses, ahead of the relays, so I could monitor the DC output levels. And a third voltmeter to monitor the Source Voltages of the Ch A output stage, with the Bias control turned all the way down, so I could bring that up once I saw I had nominal DC output buss levels (typically less than +/-10mV). Both channels measured around 7mVDC on the outputs. I begin turning the bias pot up on Ch A, monitoring the P-Ch MosFET’s. Stopped with them at around 10mV Vs average, to see what I had on the N-Ch MosFET’s, as well as those for Ch B. Ch B’s Vs readings varied quite a bit, but nothing out of control. Ch A’s N-Ch MosFET’s had two reading around 47mV, with the others ranging between 12mV and 23mV. I watched the two higher-reading N-Ch MosFET’s increasing from 47mV, passing 60mV when I shut it down, and decided to replace the N-Ch MosFET’s all together, suspecting when the channel failed, the N-Ch devices may have been over-stressed. Though, usually when the channel fails, we loose Gate and Source resistors, while this was NOT the case on this amp.
With a fresh matched set of N-Ch MosFET’s (IRFP240) installed, powering back up with the bias pot reset to CCW, as I began increasing the bias, this time monitoring the N-Ch devices. Got them set at 25mV Vs, with a tight spread on all five, and saw around -22mV Vs on the P-Ch devices, I began seeing the N-Ch devices’ Vs increasing over time (within a minute or two). And, I was seeing the front panel Limit LED flickering. I kept turning the bias pot lower, and went as far as fully CCW, while the N-Ch devices’ Vs was still reading over 35mVDC. Shut it down. The P-Ch devices were turned off, having dropped the bias down. So, seems like there some device leakage in the circuit that’s turning the N-Ch devices on, taking control over the variable bias circuit.
I first replaced the Emitter resistors R119 & R126 (47R 1W MOS). Checked again, same problem. Replaced Q102, Q103, Q104 & Q105 in the voltage gain stage, and replaced the bias xstr Q107, along with it’s mate Q106, and C110. Tried again, but still have the same problem. Replaced the short circuit clamp xstrs Q108 & Q109. Still same problem. Replaced all the resistors in the Voltage Gain Stage R118, R120, R121, R122, R125, as well as in the bias circuit R127, R128, R129 & R130, and also removed the bias pot AP101 to seep in Caig Deoxit and exercised it, checking the DCR of it to make sure the pot doesn’t go open circuit. Tried again, same problem. Next, changed the diodes D106, D107, D108 & D109, along with current limiting diodes D110 and D113.
Tried again, and I’m still finding the N-Ch stage climbing up in Is current. Turning the bias pot fully CCW doesn’t turn that stage off, while it does turn the P-Ch stage off.
I don’t have any replacement caps for the Gate Buss to Drain Buss…C115 being the suspect part. 680pF/200V axial lead monolithic ceramic cap.
Earlier, when I had noticed the Limit LED flickering, I replaced IC1 (NE5532) and IC101 (TL074). The replacement IC1 resulted in increased DC offset, now around 12-13mVDC on both channels. I was still seeing the LIMIT Led Flickering, and reading the Vs voltages, they are also varying up and down slightly. No such behavior on Ch B.
I was able to reuse the Bergquist K6 insulator sheet, managing to get the MosFET’s off without tearing or leaving deposited material on the Drain slab on the back side of the used MosFET’s. I think if I had leakage issues with the insulators, I’d have DC on the heat sinks. They don’t get grounded until the Power Amp assembly is installed into the chassis, getting ground via Fan Mounting bracket.
I just powered it up again, and watched it for a few minutes. Initially, I was seeing both the N-Ch and P-Ch devices’ Vs reading around 20mV/-20mV. Slowly, the N-Ch readings increased, with the P-Ch readings decreasing. By the time I was seeing around 35mV Vs on the N-Ch devices, the P-Ch devices were approaching 0V Vs. I’m no longer seeing the Limit LED flickering.
So, I’m somewhat at an impasse as to what to try next. I’ll have to order replacement caps for changing C115 & C116. I haven’t yet replaced the four zener diodes. The Gate buss voltages are reading 3.65VDC (N-Ch) and -3.18VDC (3.65VDC). The Is current range on the two sets of devices are around 74mA @ 3.6VDC Vs & 31mA @ -3.5VDC Vs.
1600 Watt Power Amp PCB Schematics (428XXSCH_1).pdf
1600 Watt Power Amp PCB (428XXPWA_0).pdf