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Super Sonic 22 Footswitch issue

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  • Super Sonic 22 Footswitch issue

    All panel switches work and function properly (vintage/burn , normal/fat ). Also , the reverb works with no footswitch plugged in.
    However with FS plugged in, the Reverb does not work.
    Hitting the switch does nothing, and the light does not come on for it.
    I tested the switch, it was fine, and also continuity on the 9pin DIN , I believe it's called, and it's fine.
    I got the chassis out, and looked at the schematic, and it looks like pin5(reverb) ends up at U2-B, but I'm not sure how to troubleshoot that section, or even make an educated guess that is indeed the problem area.


  • #2
    TP48 says +15/-15, so that is the control voltages out of U2-B. TP53 tells you the input voltages for that op amp. I would check those two things with and without the footswitch.


    • #3
      You tested the switch, but did you test the LED and any diodes in the footswitch?
      Originally posted by Enzo
      I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."


      • #4
        Thanks guys, when hitting the test points, everything looked good until I plugged in the FS, and I lost the 1V on TP53. It would come back when I unplugged the cable from the chassis jack. I then discovered a short in the housing. I tried to fix it for about 20 minutes, then just ordered a new 7 pin cable. But when I wiggle the cable, the light on the FS came on for the Reverb, and the switch function worked fine. I'm confident I ruled out a faulty jack on either end...we'll see

