Hey y'all,
I have a HRD on the bench that's giving me a headache, literally and metaphorically...
It's exhibiting a very loud crackling that sounds just like arcing with no power or preamp tubes installed when the standby is flipped. Other symptoms include filament bulb flashing in time with the crackling, limiter bulb as well. Relays will flip channels normally.
Things I have already checked;
1. The "lights off" test to visually inspect for any arcing, even flipped the board and powered it up with no luck.
2. Substituted two good switches for Power / Standby to check for internal arcing.
3. Checked the tube sockets for carbon tracing / arcing in the sockets.
4. Temporarily removed the flybacks on the power board
5. Re-soldered the cement relay resistors and surrounding area as a matter of course.
6. Removed the Transformer secondaries, got a good 300+ VDC out with a limiter installed
7. Checked Plate resistors in power section with MM
8. Removed Filament bulb to see if the arcing was related to the bulb-mount.
I'm beginning to suspect there is internal arcing in the Output Transformer?? That's a guess that I'm basing purely off process of elimination... Any old-heads ever experience anything like this before? Or see something I may be missing as far as testing goes?
I have a HRD on the bench that's giving me a headache, literally and metaphorically...
It's exhibiting a very loud crackling that sounds just like arcing with no power or preamp tubes installed when the standby is flipped. Other symptoms include filament bulb flashing in time with the crackling, limiter bulb as well. Relays will flip channels normally.
Things I have already checked;
1. The "lights off" test to visually inspect for any arcing, even flipped the board and powered it up with no luck.
2. Substituted two good switches for Power / Standby to check for internal arcing.
3. Checked the tube sockets for carbon tracing / arcing in the sockets.
4. Temporarily removed the flybacks on the power board
5. Re-soldered the cement relay resistors and surrounding area as a matter of course.
6. Removed the Transformer secondaries, got a good 300+ VDC out with a limiter installed
7. Checked Plate resistors in power section with MM
8. Removed Filament bulb to see if the arcing was related to the bulb-mount.
I'm beginning to suspect there is internal arcing in the Output Transformer?? That's a guess that I'm basing purely off process of elimination... Any old-heads ever experience anything like this before? Or see something I may be missing as far as testing goes?