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68 Bassman doesn't sound "right"

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  • #16
    Originally posted by glebert View Post
    Looking at recommendations for speakers to use with the a Bassman (for guitar) it seems everyone recommends something more in the Celestion vein than what Fender would have paired with it.

    I also read that for Bassmans you really need to drive them to natural distortion to sound good with guitar, but I don't have an attenuator and that would be way too loud for in the house playing.
    Speaker choice? Geeze Louise, you're at Baskin-Robbins, 31 flavors plus today's special. What YOU like is what matters. I'm sure you'll get dozens of suggestions. For now, I'll concentrate on 12" speakers. I'll let loose with my choices, starting with Eminence Texas Heat. They're rated 150 watts, so they'll take any punishment you might dish out with a Bassman. Handling less power but still sounding fine, Emi's Cannabis Rex. Jensen makes some fine sounding & affordable speakers too. I like their Falcon 50. Warehouse makes a good line of speakers, also Scumback and Tone Tubby. Of course the Celestions work well for rock playing but in recent years they're made in China and some Celestion fans claim the sound has deteriorated - but who know maybe you'll like them. One of my customers splashed out for a very x-pensive Creamback, and he's never looked back. $275 ! ! ! For him it was the price of permanent satisfaction. It's installed in his '68 Deluxe.

    Speaker cab is an important choice too. Closed back, more bass. Open back, rolled off bass but that might make for a clearer tone. But with open back cabs, in a band situation you have to consider who's behind the cab. They might not appreciate the racket spilling out the back of that type of cab. And unwanted debris tends to find its way into open back cabs. Everything from dust to mice to old bowling shoes, etc.

    What I always recommend, is try whatever you can borrow for an audition with your amp & guitar. Also listen to what other guitarists are using - if you hear something that really grabs your ear, ask what it is and consider getting some for yourself.

    As far as distortion, sure a Bassman can sound great cranked up, similar to a nice 50W Marshall. I'm not much for attenuators. If you need crunch, there's a wide variety of boost & overdrive boxes. Again, audition with your gear to make sure you find one you can get along with.

    Good luck on your search, let us know what you land on.
    Last edited by Leo_Gnardo; 06-13-2021, 04:43 AM.
    This isn't the future I signed up for.


    • #17
      Originally posted by nosaj View Post

      Or a Pay not to play agreement? Hey if you can't make money off your neighbors what are they there for?
      About to go a little but you made me think of this macabre tale.

      When I was gigging in a cover band some twenty seven years ago there was a period of a couple of months when it seemed like every other song we added to the list, something mortally bad would happen to the original writer or performer. This happened six times. I told the guys that we should document the incidents and then solicit the writers and performers for prospective songs to have us NOT play them.
      "Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo

      "Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas

      "If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
      You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz

