Originally posted by nevetslab
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Ampeg SVT-6 Pro No Output
So, from this state, if you apply power, are you getting this one IRFP240 conducting, while all the others are turned off? That's 850mA of current you're reading thru this MosFET, while the rest are not conducting. What is the gate voltage at this MosFET, and what is the Gate Buss Reading?Logic is an organized way of going wrong with confidence
Originally posted by nevetslab View PostSo, from this state, if you apply power, are you getting this one IRFP240 conducting, while all the others are turned off? That's 850mA of current you're reading thru this MosFET, while the rest are not conducting. What is the gate voltage at this MosFET, and what is the Gate Buss Reading?Last edited by ca7922303; 07-14-2022, 10:03 PM.
Originally posted by ca7922303 View Post
Lower board gate resistors(-258vdc). Have one 240 reading(-180vdc). Upper board gate Resistors (-320vdc) on all 10. Can you point me in the right direction of the gate buss? Thanks.
In the physical layout, each MosFET has a 47 ohm resistor (Gate Resistor) and a 2.2k resistor (current sense resistor). One side of the Gate resistors connect to the Gate. The other side is the Gate Buss. The Layout Drawing is PWA 1000W Bass Amplifier PCB Layout. You'll see the two Gate busses, as well as the two Current Sense busses.
Where on earth are you getting -258VDC, -180VDC, -320VDC readings? Your GND probe is NOT at Ground, and the highest voltage on these Power Amps is +/- 65VDC. I do see there is a +300VDC Power Supply to run the Front End Tube circuit ahead of the MosFET Output Stages, that work as a Bridge-Pair Power Amp.
Last edited by nevetslab; 07-15-2022, 12:12 AM.Logic is an organized way of going wrong with confidence
Originally posted by nevetslab View Post
The Upper Half Output Stage Gate buss is common to: R28, R29, R30, R31 & R136 Gate Resistors....also common to D28 Anode, D4 cathode, R16, R10 & Collector of Q3. lower Half output stage Gate buss is common to: R40, R41, R42, R43 & R137 gate Resistors, also common to D29 Cathode, D7 cathode, R17, Bottom of AP1 Bias pot and Collector of Q4. Look at the schematic for the (+) and (-) halves of the Power Amp Schematic. These parts are on the (+) half of the Bridged-Pair Output stage You can read the schematic to see the (-) Half to get those designation numbers.
In the physical layout, each MosFET has a 47 ohm resistor (Gate Resistor) and a 2.2k resistor (current sense resistor). One side of the Gate resistors connect to the Gate. The other side is the Gate Buss. The Layout Drawing is PWA 1000W Bass Amplifier PCB Layout. You'll see the two Gate busses, as well as the two Current Sense busses.
Where on earth are you getting -258VDC, -180VDC, -320VDC readings? Your GND probe is NOT at Ground, and the highest voltage on these Power Amps is +/- 65VDC. I do see there is a +300VDC Power Supply to run the Front End Tube circuit ahead of the MosFET Output Stages, that work as a Bridge-Pair Power Amp.
Originally posted by ca7922303 View Post
I assumed when you asked for voltages of the gate resistors that I was going black probe to ground. My mistake. So am I to measure voltage across the gate resistor itself. Red probe to one end of gate resistor, black probe to other end of gate resistor?
Logic is an organized way of going wrong with confidence
Originally posted by nevetslab View Post
I'm looking to know WHAT the voltage of the Gate Buss is on the two Output stages...each one having a Positive side and Negative Side Gate Buss. Then, what the gate voltage is at each of the MosFET's. This is more for your checking so if there's one or more of the MosFET's having the gate voltage vastly different than the others, such as at this one MosFET that was turned on hard (where you measured 400mV across it's 0.47 ohm Source resistor. I would expect to see very similar gate voltages. The Voltage seen on the Source resistors, that should be done relative to the Output Buss. All of the Source Resistors are Common to each amplifier stage's Output Buss, so looking from there (treating that output as your '0V reference), it will tell us what the current balance is on each of the MosFETs.
240 source resistors (334mv)
9240 source resistors (0.00mv)
Lower Board all gate resistors (0.00 mv)
240 source resistors(5vdc) 1@(3vdc)
9240 source resistors (0.00mv)
Originally posted by nevetslab View Post
I'm looking to know WHAT the voltage of the Gate Buss is on the two Output stages...each one having a Positive side and Negative Side Gate Buss. Then, what the gate voltage is at each of the MosFET's. This is more for your checking so if there's one or more of the MosFET's having the gate voltage vastly different than the others, such as at this one MosFET that was turned on hard (where you measured 400mV across it's 0.47 ohm Source resistor. I would expect to see very similar gate voltages. The Voltage seen on the Source resistors, that should be done relative to the Output Buss. All of the Source Resistors are Common to each amplifier stage's Output Buss, so looking from there (treating that output as your '0V reference), it will tell us what the current balance is on each of the MosFETs.
Upper board busses(325vdc)
Originally posted by ca7922303 View Post
Upper board all gate resistors (0.00mv)
240 source resistors (334mv)
9240 source resistors (0.00mv)
Lower Board all gate resistors (0.00 mv)
240 source resistors(5vdc) 1@(3vdc)
9240 source resistors (0.00mv)
Lower Board busses at 260VDC.....and Upper Board Busses 325VDC. Where in the hell are you measuring? Are you saying relative to GROUND, the output Buss on each of these amps is at those potentials? I find that very hard to believe. The +/- DC Supplies are nominally +/- 65VDC. and, you claim to have 4 and 5 times that positive buss voltage from +/- 65VDC. I don't believe you. You're doing something wrong.
Relative to GROUND, WHAT is the Gate Buss on the two amplifier's? Have you figured out HOW to identify the Gate Busses from the PCB Layout drawing?Last edited by nevetslab; 07-15-2022, 05:54 AM.Logic is an organized way of going wrong with confidence
Originally posted by nevetslab View Post
You either have a major problem on the N-Ch side of your Upper and Lower Boards.....334mV across all of your Source resistors have these IRFP MosFET's turned on hard....711mA! The lower board....with 5V across the Source resistors...these are turned on VERY Hard...10.6Amps! Sounds like these devices are shorted.
Lower Board busses at 260VDC.....and Upper Board Busses 325VDC. Where in the hell are you measuring? Are you saying relative to GROUND, the output Buss on each of these amps is at those potentials? I find that very hard to believe. The +/- DC Supplies are nominally +/- 65VDC. and, you claim to have 4 and 5 times that positive buss voltage from +/- 65VDC. I don't believe you. You're doing something wrong.
Relative to GROUND, WHAT is the Gate Buss on the two amplifier's? Have you figured out HOW to identify the Gate Busses from the PCB Layout drawing?
Originally posted by ca7922303 View PostEach MOSFET is connected to gate resistor. The other end connects to a common trace(buss), I am checking that point with one lead of dmm and other lead of dmm to ground. If this is not correct, please advise. Thanks.Logic is an organized way of going wrong with confidence
Probably because something else is wrong. You need to take this apart and find what mistakes you've made to be causing all this.
Also....these MosFET's were 'highly matched', from what I recall reading. What needs to be matched is the transconductance, which relates to how much current is passing thru the Drain to Source. If 'Matched' referred to the Gate Voltages, well....those typically ARE very close to one another, and you see those numbers written on the back of the metal slab of the parts. THAT's NOT what you need to be Matched. Those WILL BE that way
From what you're going thru on this project, I think you're way in over your head regarding your skill level and understanding. I'm trying to lead you to solving this, and we keep being hung up with basics that show your lack of understanding. The evidence is revealing you have major problems, and now you've introduced DC Voltages that you can't get unless you've somehow connected the Tube Power Supply over to what feeds the MosFET output stage.
Did you take photos of this amp, removed from the chassis, as well as before you disassembled it, so you have visual aids to guide you in being able to reassemble it? These are basic things when starting from scratch with an unknown. All of us here, when crossing into uncharted territories inside a chassis, go thru that photo-taking or sketching what is what, where things connect, placing tape labels on crucial wires so they go back properly, etc. Fail to do that, and things start to look the same to an uneducated eye.
I'll have to read all thru this thread to see just where you're at, as we should NOT be having this sort of conversation this far in. Sorry.Logic is an organized way of going wrong with confidence
Originally posted by nevetslab View PostProbably because something else is wrong. You need to take this apart and find what mistakes you've made to be causing all this.
Also....these MosFET's were 'highly matched', from what I recall reading. What needs to be matched is the transconductance, which relates to how much current is passing thru the Drain to Source. If 'Matched' referred to the Gate Voltages, well....those typically ARE very close to one another, and you see those numbers written on the back of the metal slab of the parts. THAT's NOT what you need to be Matched. Those WILL BE that way
From what you're going thru on this project, I think you're way in over your head regarding your skill level and understanding. I'm trying to lead you to solving this, and we keep being hung up with basics that show your lack of understanding. The evidence is revealing you have major problems, and now you've introduced DC Voltages that you can't get unless you've somehow connected the Tube Power Supply over to what feeds the MosFET output stage.
Did you take photos of this amp, removed from the chassis, as well as before you disassembled it, so you have visual aids to guide you in being able to reassemble it? These are basic things when starting from scratch with an unknown. All of us here, when crossing into uncharted territories inside a chassis, go thru that photo-taking or sketching what is what, where things connect, placing tape labels on crucial wires so they go back properly, etc. Fail to do that, and things start to look the same to an uneducated eye.
I'll have to read all thru this thread to see just where you're at, as we should NOT be having this sort of conversation this far in. Sorry.
I looked at the website where you bought the MosFET's. The only thing I found there, which had to be toggled to get additional information on what they had to offer....they made NO MENTION of the parts being Matched for Transconduction...which translates to yielding equal Current sharing which is needed on these Ampeg SVT-series MosFET Output Stage amps. So, we have NO idea what to expect. That's why I wanted to have you slowly turn up the Bias so we could start seeing them conduct, and get readings without any going way high in current (voltage across the 0.47 ohm Source resistors) while waiting for those not yet turning on to see where we are. Not dissimilar to setting bias on power tubes, and matching them.
What we have instead is some of these that are turning on hard (334mV across the 0.47 ohms) or 5V across them). I have NO IDEA how you have this occurring. 5V across is 10A thru the MosFET, which may be dead/shorted now. With them mounted, best you can do is to unsolder/lift the 0.47 ohm Source Resistors up, unsolder/lift the Gate Resistors up, and also the 2.7k Current Sense Resistors up. That now has the MosFET only connected to the +/- 65VDC power supply busses. That has them isolated enough (with NO POWER APPLIED....disconnected from AC Mains) to THEN check each and ever one of them for shorted Drain/Source, Gate/Source, Gate/Drain.
Have you learned how to turn one on and off with your DMM in Diode Test mode? With your meter in this mode, we'll do a IRFP9240 P-Ch MosFET. Place your BLK probe on the gate, the RED probe on the Drain Then move the Blk probe over to the Source, leaving the RED probe on the Drain. It should measure something like 0.005V in either Drain-Source or Source-Drain. Then bias it the opposite way....RED probe to Gate, BLK probe to Drain. Move the RED probe to Drain, and BLK probe to Source. Should read around 0.51, and reverse....BLK to Drain, RED to Source, open circuit. For IRFP240 (N-Ch MosFET, reverse the probes and do the same thing. My Fluke has an 8V potential behind it's 1mA Current Source, so there's enough voltage behind the current source to turn on a MosFET like this. Can't say about yours.
You'll have to fully isolate your MosFETS (forget the fact that the Drain is soldered into the PCB....there's no circuit path to the other two leads having lifted the gate and source resistors, as well as the Current Sense resistors.
I hope you don't have shrapnel now installed instead of working MosFET's.
Last edited by nevetslab; 07-16-2022, 02:33 AM.Logic is an organized way of going wrong with confidence