A new client....same one with that somewhat unique Ampeg SVT-CL Road Case I just worked on.....I set their Fender Tweed Blues Junior up on the bench for general check-out. First thing I spotted was a broken input jack, which, of course, requires removing the main PCB from the chassis enough to fold it down and do the unsolder tasks. Not dissimilar to pulling the Hot Rod series apart, only these having cheap pots and those shaped plastic bushings to center the pot shafts. Finally got the board down, replaced the pot, all else looked ok, and put that back together.
Installed my Compu-Bias probes into the EL-84 tube sockets, and the tubes into those, and powered up the amp. As the power tubes came up, so did lots of random tube noise, like a very noise preamp tube (Volume and Master were CCW). I removed the preamp tube, powered back up. Same noise, shut down. Removed the Driver tube. Same noise, powered back down. Removed the middle tube, powered back up, now only having the EL-84 power tubes in place. Same noise. Powered back down. The plate currents were a bit out of balance...40mA and 28mA, 327VDC Plate voltage on the power tubes. Removed the bias probes, powered back up, same noise. Nothing wrong with the bias probes.
I drove over to the other building to fetch another matched pair of EL84's and brought those back. Plugged them in, with the bias probes back in place. Nice and Quiet. Put the preamp and driver tubes back into place, nice and quiet. And functioning like a normal amplifier again.
I can't recall hearing just one or two EL84 power tubes make noise like that before. Is that uncommon? Replacing them solved the problem, so didn't have to spend time chasing component issues.
Installed my Compu-Bias probes into the EL-84 tube sockets, and the tubes into those, and powered up the amp. As the power tubes came up, so did lots of random tube noise, like a very noise preamp tube (Volume and Master were CCW). I removed the preamp tube, powered back up. Same noise, shut down. Removed the Driver tube. Same noise, powered back down. Removed the middle tube, powered back up, now only having the EL-84 power tubes in place. Same noise. Powered back down. The plate currents were a bit out of balance...40mA and 28mA, 327VDC Plate voltage on the power tubes. Removed the bias probes, powered back up, same noise. Nothing wrong with the bias probes.
I drove over to the other building to fetch another matched pair of EL84's and brought those back. Plugged them in, with the bias probes back in place. Nice and Quiet. Put the preamp and driver tubes back into place, nice and quiet. And functioning like a normal amplifier again.
I can't recall hearing just one or two EL84 power tubes make noise like that before. Is that uncommon? Replacing them solved the problem, so didn't have to spend time chasing component issues.