I have a new Fender 65 Deluxe Reverb reissue on the bench, that came in with Tube/distortion issues. Put it up on the bench, found the output sounding quite distorted, far more than normal. Both Channels exhibiting the same, so I swapped V4 to see if that made any difference. No change. Powered down, went to remove the two 6V6 Power Tubes, and found the Bear Trap base clamps seemingly much stiffer than normal, and was having trouble releasing them with my right hand fingers while attempting to unplug the tubes. Got the tubes out, installed my bias probes, and geting them into the sockets seemed a real chore as well. Plate current was sitting at 24mA each, seemingly a bit high, and dropped it down to 18mA. When I went to remove the bias probes and plug the tubes back in, getting the clamps to open was a real bear on both tubes.

I got one tube in, while the other one, I was now fearful I'd break the tube with my gloved hand, risking injury not being able to depress these clamps enough to let the tube base properly seat fully.
Is my right hand getting weak, or is it my imagination that these clamps are now a lot stiffer than before. Granted, over the years, this style (and the other Y-shaped clamps being much weaker), have been a constant source of power tube noise from inadequate holding force. I do use Kevlar gloves for handling hot tubes, but haven't yet had a tube break on my trying to insert it. YET.
I did find the source of distortion was the driver tube. Replaced that, now have all the restored gain and drive that was missing, without the severe distortion that I was hearing.
I got one tube in, while the other one, I was now fearful I'd break the tube with my gloved hand, risking injury not being able to depress these clamps enough to let the tube base properly seat fully.
Is my right hand getting weak, or is it my imagination that these clamps are now a lot stiffer than before. Granted, over the years, this style (and the other Y-shaped clamps being much weaker), have been a constant source of power tube noise from inadequate holding force. I do use Kevlar gloves for handling hot tubes, but haven't yet had a tube break on my trying to insert it. YET.
I did find the source of distortion was the driver tube. Replaced that, now have all the restored gain and drive that was missing, without the severe distortion that I was hearing.