I'm working on a Fender Deluxe 112 Plus
One of the output transistors had been screwed directly on the heatsink without a silicone pad, which led to a zap, a broken pcb trace and shorted output transistors.
Trace is restored, new output transistors, preamp stage is fine, power supply is fine, but there's a 0.2VAC 100Hz buzz at the power amp output and I have no idea why.
Buzz is not responding to the volume control. Can you help me troubleshoot this amp ?
Here is the shape of the buzz :
Power supply ripple and power amp output :
Schematic added
I'm working on a Fender Deluxe 112 Plus
One of the output transistors had been screwed directly on the heatsink without a silicone pad, which led to a zap, a broken pcb trace and shorted output transistors.
Trace is restored, new output transistors, preamp stage is fine, power supply is fine, but there's a 0.2VAC 100Hz buzz at the power amp output and I have no idea why.
Buzz is not responding to the volume control. Can you help me troubleshoot this amp ?
Here is the shape of the buzz :
Power supply ripple and power amp output :
Schematic added