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Fiber board bites me in the ass for the LAST time

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  • #16
    Mouser has 1/8" eyelets in 3/16, 7/32, and 1/4" long for thicker boards- I can never find them unless I put 'keystone' in the search.

    Happy holidays everyone


    • #17
      Originally posted by Bloomfield View Post
      I can never find them unless I put 'keystone' in the search.
      That's one thing I miss about getting the paper catalog. How many people actually know the name of the company that manufactures eyelets and how could we know to search by that manufacturer for something like eyelets considering how the Mouser search engine is set up.?. I would just type "eyelets" or look under their "hardware" section. But I know that with the paper catalog I could have flipped right to them. No arcane knowledge needed. There are definitely things I can't find with a normal site search there and it's been frustrating at times.

      But there was a time when Mouser was sending so many of their phone book size catalogs that I could have built a small shelter with them. I sure don't want to go back to THAT.
      "Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo

      "Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas

      "If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
      You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mick Bailey View Post
        I wasn't aware there was any electrical fibreboard made from wood.
        That's what found searching for "electrical fiberboard".
        I think the name fiberboard suggests the use of (wood) fibers.
        - Own Opinions Only -


        • #19
          Originally posted by jack briggs View Post

          Lignin is more hydrophobic than hygroscopic.

          Yes, lignin is reported to be hydrophobic (the opposite would be hydrophilic).
          I think it only means that lignin is not water-soluble.

          I've read somewhere, that it's the lignin that makes wood hygroscopic.
          If that's not true, the reason is most probably the hygroscopic cellulose contained in both wood and fiberboard:

          Last edited by Helmholtz; 12-30-2021, 02:00 PM.
          - Own Opinions Only -


          • #20
            Originally posted by Chuck H View Post

            That's one thing I miss about getting the paper catalog. How many people actually know the name of the company that manufactures eyelets and how could we know to search by that manufacturer for something like eyelets considering how the Mouser search engine is set up.?. I would just type "eyelets" or look under their "hardware" section. But I know that with the paper catalog I could have flipped right to them. No arcane knowledge needed. There are definitely things I can't find with a normal site search there and it's been frustrating at times.

            But there was a time when Mouser was sending so many of their phone book size catalogs that I could have built a small shelter with them. I sure don't want to go back to THAT.
            Yeah, catalogues are great because you can flip through them and discover things that you never knew existed, and sometimes these are just the solution you are looking for. Also, like things appeared next to one another, with different sizes of the same thing listed in nice tables. Despite there now being (in many cases) more choices, it's harder to find things unless you know exactly what you want already. Worst are the websites that display each item as a unique thing, ranked in order of popularity or some such irrelevant metric, with no option to filter them.


            • #21
              I also like the history aspect of catalogues. I can spend hours looking through old Lafayette, Sears or Maplin (UK) catalogues. There's a comfort and nostalgia that no web site can recreate. Plus the smell of old paper (though some now smell like a puppy's first stool).


              • #22
                Oh lord yes. 60 some odd years ago, I couldn't wait for the new Lafayette catalog to come out. I spent hours looking at all the stuff I wanted. Olson radio was a competitor. And Heathkit, Knight kit,
                Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Mick Bailey View Post
                  I also like the history aspect of catalogues. I can spend hours looking through old Lafayette, Sears or Maplin (UK) catalogues. There's a comfort and nostalgia that no web site can recreate.
                  Remember Wireless World? There are 100 years worth here - Wireless World


                  • #24
                    I had Wireless World on subscription all the way through the 70s. Practical Electronics always had the circuits that interested me more - lots of audio projects, but for some reason our newsagent couldn't get PE. Thanks for the link - plenty to browse through on a rainy afternoon.

