Originally posted by nosaj
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Actually it's not neccessarily hard at all I'd have thought, to go down your avenue. Im wondering if this progression-resoldering idea, isn't more long-winded than trying the plate resistors, which seems to be a 20 min job. But I guess the idea behind resoldering beforehand, is bc there's no components to replace per se, so easiest in this respect.
Is the fact that the pops ( especially loud, frighteningly so ) are so loud, signify any particular area more likely to be the cause? I mean if, as I roughly understand, the input gtr signal gets progressively increaced across the board.. does its huge volume signify perhaps that it is more likely being maximum amplified, thus if it has more stages to be amplified.. then the furthest point towards the 'start' of the circuit might be more likely the place it originates-?
All I can do you see, is add basic logic. But my idea here also might well be of no validity whatsoever.
Thanks SC